How to Apply for Services

How to Apply for Services:   

PDCAP Head Start/Early Head Start is currently accepting applications for the current school year. Family criteria – homeless, low income (based on federal poverty guidelines), foster care, receiving TANF/SSI, diagnosed disability of special needs (10% of enrollment).  There is NO cost for our services.

Getting Started
Review the Head Start/Early Head Start locations to identify the center nearest to your home. 

1. Please complete our application for Head Start/Early Head Start - Birth to Five Program (Serving Pregnant Women, Birth to 5 years old).

2. After entering the information, click the “I’m not a robot” reCaptcha verification box.

3. Click the “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the page to submit your application.


Head Start/Early Head Start Online Application


What Happens Next


1. A Family Advocate will receive your application submission and will follow-up immediately to schedule an appointment with you.

2. An in-person Interview will be scheduled. (Please keep appointment; federal regulations and standards requires the in-person interview)

a. You MUST bring the following documents to the interview:

b. Proof of Family Income W-2/1040, Child Support, TANF/SSI payments, etc.) Proof of Child’s Birth (Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.)

c. Child’s SC Certificate of Immunization

d. Documentation of Applicant’s Disability (if applicable)

3. If the person attempting to complete the application is not the parent of the applicant, documents such as (custody agreements, guardianship/caregiver orders, signed parental statements, foster care) giving permission to apply should be provided if available.

4. Your application will be considered incomplete without required documentation.


*The Office of Head Start defines FAMILY as:                                                                                                           

  • All persons living in the home supported by the child’s parent/guardian
  • Related to the parent/guardian by blood, marriage, or adoption.


Things to Keep in Mind

1. Applicants are responsible to keep the program updated on change of contact information.  The program rely on you to respond to our efforts of reaching out.  Three (3) attempts are generally made to reach out; if no response is received, the program will move forward.

2. Please be mindful, that completing an application does not guarantee eligibility or enrollment into our programs.  Enrollment is based on slot availability and filled according to greatest need.

3. The administrative office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Please call if you have questions (843) 678-3414 or contact the Family Advocate directly at the site nearest your address. (Refer to Center Directory)


Application Follow-up Information



1. Parent receive an Acceptance Letter, if child is selected for enrollment. 
2. The Letter will inform you of the next steps required for completion of the enrollment process. 

3. This process will include the parent/guardian completing the necessary enrollment documentation/information.  Enrollment Packets include current immunization certificates, current physicals and dental and required information for center licensing. Registration forms.

4. Priority enrollment is given to homeless families, children in foster care, TANF/SSI, and children diagnosed with a disability or special need.



1. If child is not accepted, the parent/guardian will be notified, and the child will be placed on the center waitlist.
2. This will not guarantee your child a slot this year but does leave the possibility open if/when a vacancy is available.
3. Family Advocate will notify you when a slot is available. 
4. Application status can be checked at any time.



EARLY HEAD START APPLICATION: If you have completed an Early Head Start Application for your child, and your child becomes age eligible for Head Start, you will be required to complete a new application for Head Start.


Any further enrollment questions, please contact:



Eleanora Fleming

ERSEA/Parent, Family & Community Engagement Coordinator

(843) 678-3414


Denise Pee

Family Services Manager

(843) 423-7593